let me take you on the ride of your life
Jesslyn Widodo
My name is obvious stated above. HAHAHAHAHAHA
I will make this blog my diary. So if there's any of you reading this, you are one of my close friend that i trust.
You will read alot of God miracles happened in my life here.
So... be prepared and be surprised. :D

Quote of the day;
God told me that He is going to guide me to be a better person and cure me from my sickness.

{ B E G I N N I N G } Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:42 AM
I feel the love of God for the past few days and is going. I really Love him. He guide me through my day. My day is always smooth with his pressent. I feel really happy to have Him. I read the devotional and it guide me through my day. Today devotion was about getting well. Lord Jesus was asking me whether I wanted to be cured and the word also rings a bell.

2 Contrasting fact :( Wednesday, June 10, 2009 9:29 AM
"God tie an invisible string around the ankles of men and women who are destined to be soul mates and will one day marry each other"
I would really wish that the above quote is true ... but the thing is when would that person appear? what if we choose the wrong guy. I mean the thread get entangled and we are connected to the wrong person.. Then what if the thread is too thin that even we fail to see it ....
So much Question just appear in my head...
I think the only thing I can do now is just leave everything to God's hand so that he can just lead me to the correct path and make sure the thread is fine :D...
Some goes to all of the people...
Frankly speaking .. until up to today I don't have my first love yet.. and i'm sixteen ..hahahaha
However, I believe it's coming .. :D

Second Fact
Okay ... let see...
someone close to you ...
Who it seems to be there for you for whatever the circumstances...
Then so .. you would just keep talking to her ... but the fact is that .. she does not even listen to what you are saying.. and give the PRETENDING smile...
I hate the fact that she ALWAYS and ALWAYS pretend to smile and thus people thought she is so cheerful lyk an angel ...
Secondly.. last tym I was so called awaken by the fact that I'm not that caring to my friend.. and so again .. I change myself.. to a better one ..
However, my friend take the care for granted.. and no is her turn be like the past of me ..

I have a friend that I met during my early Secondary years
Okay .. so I only realise recently that he is the only one that everytime listen to my madness and stress and gave a useful advice...
Yeah .. so my room mate was asking me .. do you like him?
I mean lets be frank..
anyone would just treasure such relationship ryt ...
So I am happy enough that the fact he is my friend and always be there for me ..

I guess these fact can also be a learning to all of the people who is reading it hahaha ...
I mean I'm just sharing what I have gone throught lately and recently hahaha...
Thanks for reading :)

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you" Colossians 3:13

Love Jesslyn


I'm looking straight~ :) Saturday, May 30, 2009 12:05 AM
everyone say .. I never update my blog...
when I did...
yeah I mean I did update like 3 months once? hahahahaha
Ok.. What's going on lately is truly a miracle..
Suddenly my life is so planned..
Of course it's not planned by me neither do my parent...
it's by GOD...

Story :
Last week I went to a bible camp .. where I felt the pressence of GOD in my life...
the day before the "it" day in the bible camp..
my mom called me
She was saying " Hey, there is a more than 50% possibility I can get into Santa Monica College"
[ background story: I wanted to go to Santa Monica College ,CA for next year. However, I just know like early this year that Santa Monica do not accept student under the age of 16. So I was very sad and then I desperately looking for another college that is around LA area.]
back to the story... ya...
and she also said that she already made an appointment for me to meet the agent...
So I was so shock to know it ..
I mean don't you all see.. God is SUPER DUPER COOL?
He knows what I want...

Monday, I was super duper tired after back from my bible camp. So as usual.. I skip school hahahahaha....

Tuesday: I went back from school super late.... It was all because of the so called English ATP...
but the ATP is so funny... It's a drama lesson ... weird huh? Okay so it is just for Foreigner... I mean ... its a once in a life time chance that Newtown Sec are willing to pay for something for foreigner [ I'm not condemning the school for being foreignerist okay.. :) ]
So yeah... the drama was quite fun ... we also planned a plot for the next day performance in front of the video cam...
hahahah ... so yeah my tuition is canceled .. hahaha so happy :)

Wednesday: I went to school carrying all my props... hahaha yeah it's super heavy but I was so eager for the drama...
However after halfaway taking the video .. some senses come into my brain...
I am a maid in the drama.. and I don't get to say a line at all.. so I was so pissed .. super pissed indeed.
Then I went back home with a gloomy face..
I don't feel like talking to anyone until I arrived at home. I talk about it with M .. hahaha
yeah she also had nothing to say .. but at least I felt more at ease :)...

Thursday: OKAY that day was the biggest and Happiest day throughout the week... I mean all the foreigner went to Sentosa together and get to skip few lessons. hahahahaha... despite Mrs Chia's scolding :)....
Sentosa became colourful for once.... all of them was so fun . Especially with the pressence of K .. hahahahaha :) ...
I think that day will be my most memorable day of this year :) ... I took quite a lot of photo that day too .. all is in facebook uploaded and tagged.. hahahahah...

Friday: It WAS enjoyable day. Despite being the last day of school, Mr Chan was not in school and we play game during English class. hahahahaha... However, I have my tution after school :(...
At night ... the hostel's guardian cooked for all of us .. a super delicious chilli crab and black pepper prawn .. It was awesome... :).. Then I was also sitting opposite A .. which make the food double delicious ahahahaha...
that's not it ... we also went to Clarke Quay after dinner... we walk around Clarke Quay a few round taking photo ... the scenery was beautiful...
I went for my first super extreme ride too... Gmax? I don't know how to spell .. hahahah
It was cool ... although I shout as if i was going to be slaughtered hahahaha...
HOWEVER... my heart was not totally at ease because I missed church :( .. today too...
I will be making it all up on SUNDAY...

I'm going to watch Night At the Museum 2 later at night .. hahahaha :) ..

[I updated my blog and it's long ] hahahaha

hahahaha~ Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:42 AM


Both of these photos are my most recent edited photo but taken way back long ago....


Looks weird... but that tym I was so bored that I play around with the geek spect...

Everyday... practicing by myself ...

Sometimes ... weird thoughts came across my mind " Should I drop my dream? & follow what had been prepared for me ?"...

TODAY=> Suddenly I came to a statement " I will live my future plan to Jesus Christ" :) hahahaha

I think that is the best way isn't it?


Tomorrow Malay oral ... I wanted to study . However, I don't know what to study. Malay oral seems like reading and conversation. I'm very super duper talkative so I think the conversation part have no problem. As for reading, I was thinking ... what to read? Hahahahahaahahahaha

Today just seems weird....


today.. tomorrow ... and the day after that... I will be staying alone...

My sister and my parents went to Genting this morning....

I felt super lonely.

I was wondering....

What will happened to me if I go to L.A .... My everyday will be a lonely day? I hope it would not ... because I hate or anti lonely :)



---Sharing Some Great Photos---

[ Picture was taken from www.kbs.co.kr]

New DREAM New ME Saturday, March 21, 2009 10:48 AM
Many things had happened lately. Which also mean that I learn more new life lessons.
It sounds so deep uh? Hahahahaha not really actuallyy...
I'm now in my journey to reach my dream... I believe that it will deffinitely will happen with the support of my one and only mighty GOD.
However, in other hand, I juggled my journey and my studies. Thus my parents would sometime complain," Can't you just concentrate on your studies first?!" They just don't understand me. My dream is like my life but I never put my studies as my second. I still think that my studies is important too.

My sixteenth Birthday had just passed. This year my Birthday is super fun and also I create a problem. :( I lost like a red packet that contain $200. Thus my parents scolded me for being so careless. In other hand, my classmate also lost her $15 and she suspect a culprit. In this case, if I dealth with the culprit I'm putting my friendship on the edge of a hill. Which mean i gotta choose one of it right? Although, since young my praents always tell me to have a friend that I felt whole heartedly comfortable and an eternal friendship. ANYWAYYYYY, I'm super duper confuseddd...

Tomorrow CIP day... whattt??? 6 hours? CAN'T stand it right? On a Sunday? 6 Hours is taken for some stupid event .... =="

*Lights OFF*

Jesslyn K

Livin in GOD Monday, December 15, 2008 9:48 AM

Hey guys!

thanks for the support and etc...

I really blind that I can't see that I had great friend who I can share everything to....

You guys are really great! :)


This year end of year Holiday is really something that I can't forget and

the holiday that I learn alot of new things. This holiday I also learn about lots of thing about God through a great son of God [ Max]. He really tell me a lot about God and he encourage me to chase after God. Another person is Ce Yenny, She is great! I Love her LOTS.. She really support me to look for GOD whenever I'm in trouble..

to be frank I was in my hard time when first I came to Surabaya for Holiday but after I attended the great Medical Mission with Narrow Gate Fellowship. My relation with God get closer.. since I met Max in Medical Mission and Ce Yenny was the one who brought me to Medical Mission. Now, I really hope that God could use me to bring more soul to Him... GOD IS REALLY GREAT! He made me smile everyday to live in him is the thing that I LOVE MOST!


Liburan tahun ini adalah liburan yang terindah yang pernah ak jalani. Di liburan tahun ini ak belajar banyak hal baru.Liburan ini juga ak belajar lebih tentang Tuhan yang sgt menyayangi ak. Ak jg sgt berterima kasih kpd Tuhan karena dia telah mengirimkan anaknya untuk memberitakan tentang dirinya .Orang itu sungguh" tlah memeberi tahu banyak tentang Tuhan dan menuntun Q . Ak jg seneng bgt bisa di pertemukan dgn Narrow Gate Fellowship dri Medical Mission. Mereka sungguh dahsyat.. krna mereka sungguh" tlah di pake oleh Tuhan untuk membantu org org di skitar mrk... TUHAN ITU HEBAT BANGET xD!! Dy membuat Q senyum tiap hari .. ak sgt seneng bangett bisa tinggal di dalamnya .. krna tinggal di dlmnya penuh sukacita :)

LOVE Jesslyn

MY HEART IS SCREAMING ㅠ_ㅠ Sunday, November 23, 2008 12:16 PM
I THOUGHT my Life WAS perfect ...
but ...
the reality is it isn't...
Today is a shocking day for me [REALLY]...
although I did not do an energy straining activity but I felt really really tired ...
Probably my mind is tired...
Tired of all the true that I wish it were all LIES..
OR.. I would never realise of...
Ok my situation is like below...
In the year 2005-2006.. I attend a bible camp that was organized by my church...
That was my first bible camp in my whole life...
So I was really excited...
During the camp I make some friend...
So... we exchange e-mail and phone at the end of the camp...
a week after the camp I was chatting with one of my friend... we were chatting like an old friend...
but the next day those friendliness was gone....
a week later... there's a person added me in msn...
so when the person online...
the person asked who am I...
I was confused...
the person was the one added me and asked me who am I ...
after the person find out about the problem ..
the person realize it was his room mate who added me in his msn...
and his room mate is the friend I chat with previously....
after we knew each other for a period of time...
since we were from the same church we met a few times...
after knowing each other well enough...
we went out as friend a few times ...
so during the end of year school Holiday we went holiday with our own family ...
so we no longer contact one another...
and when School reopen... the person never ever contacted me back...
but the thing is that ... I had already fallen for a lost guy ....
He is lost in the sense ... he is not my close friend anymore...
but I still do see him sometimes when I went to the mall or church...
Until today I never love anyone except my parent and him...
Whenever I talked this problem with my aunt or an adult ...
they told me to forget about him and find a better guy ...
but ... The thing is ... It is not like ... you wanted to forget then can just forget about it...
Whenever I meet him I can't breathe properly .. and It's true...
I never felt like that towards anyone before though...
Today.. I went out with my cousin and his friends
So .. my cousin introduce me to a guy ...
I looked in his eyes while I talked...
but guess what...
I felt nothing .. I felt like I'm talking to a girl friend...
and because of that lost guy ...
I always believe that I can't find love because of my appearance which is
now .. I really need a friend who can change my point of view...
I always pray to GOD... and I always believe that God have planned out well for me...

whoahhhh I FELT SO RELIEVED...
that is a story that I always share with my friend or anyone I know...
I don't know why I have to share that story ...
but really please...
If you all want to be my friend or anyone related to me...
be my friend not because of my appearance or my situation or my family ...
but please be my friend because of the way I am .. the real me ..my real poersonality and etc....
THANKS :D for reading ...

J E S S L Y N the journey never ends...